I saw a blackbird
on the lowest branch of an older
He was flirting between several
A handsome crow stood right below
just moving his head
and regarded the bird much smaller
than he
as it was moving around.
I walked down a street
Five blocks away, though I’d never
been on it before.
A warm house had a clean porch
and a rainbow drawn in childish finger
paints on the window.
Inside was a woman in ankle socks
and a red sweatshirt
changing a lightbulb,
and there was no sound coming out of
the house.
The moment.
I am now in my brown chair
Mulling how sticky humid nights
with a hint of dew, or relief, or
are the right environment for the
The air is heavy, the atmosphere is
- yet still.
It carries the live music from the
clamoring restaurant,
amplifies the waves of the river
which is below the town with its
It is timeless,
stuck in a moment and eternal
yet always breaking at the unrelenting
astringent daylight.
Dirty things, hidden things,
and deliciously powerful things
happen when nothing else is
happening or stealing;
Pointing contemplatives to ever shorter phrases.
Pointing contemplatives to ever shorter phrases.
The instant of the habitation of music
is the back drop to all of it.
I’d like to make it.
A resonant note that lasts
as long as the string has the will.
But the beauty of the moment - the
that is all.
Is this another potential poem? Maybe.
Isn’t a poem just the transcription
of a few heartbeats anyway? We are
joined, present and future in one word.
The great momént.The stunning photograph above is from the amazing collection at